
Research Forum on Cyber Security and Healthcare Systems

The WISH Safeguarding our Healthcare systems: A global framework for cybersecurity report presents a globally applicable framework for cyber readiness in healthcare, developed to guide policymakers and healthcare organizations in strengthening their cybersecurity infrastructure and, ultimately, protecting their patient populations.

Live session details

17 Nov
6:00 pm
7:15 pm
Cyber Security and Healthcare Systems

Forum panel – 75mn

The rapid global adoption of emerging technologies in healthcare in recent years has led to increased vulnerability to cyber threats capable of compromising patient safety data confidentiality and eroding patient trust. In recent years, and particularly since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, the number of cyber-attacks has risen globally. Yet healthcare systems and organizations around the world are lagging behind other sectors in developing cyber readiness. 

The Cybersecurity and Healthcare Systems panel forum will review how digital solutions have the potential to revolutionize healthcare and improve the health of people around the globe, while mitigating the accompanying risk of cyber threats. 

View the WISH 2020 agenda

Forum chair

Dr. Saira Ghafur

Digital Health Lead at the Institute of Global Health Innovation

Imperial College London

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