
Ricardo Marvao

Co-founder, entrepreneur, investor, connector, firestarter


Based in Lisbon, Beta-i was born in 2010 and is one of the main entrepreneurship and innovation organizations in Europe. We help new and established businesses grow the startup way, by running acceleration and corporate innovation programs, organizing events, promoting investment and creating great work spaces at our hub. Recognized as one of the world most active startup accelerators and by Wired Magazine as “the top incubator in town”. Co-founder & CEO of Evolve Space Solutions (Germany and Portugal) since 2004, developing software products for the Aerospace Industry, with clients like ESA, Thales, Astrium, Inmarsat, Eumetsat, Airbus, Boeing, Embraer (acquired by Novabase in 2011). Specialties: Space industry: satellite simulators & operating systems; Earth-Observation, Scientific and Inter-planetary Missions.