
Qatar Creating Vision – QFFD – Orbis

Qatar Creating Vision is an eye health initiative that tackles childhood vision loss in India and Bangladesh. Funded by the Qatar Fund for Development and implemented by blindness prevention charity Orbis, 6.6 million eye tests and treatments have been delivered since 2016. Accessing quality eye care can be difficult if you live in rural areas or below the poverty line. With support too far away or too expensive to afford, children can experience unnecessary vision loss, impacting their education. When not caught in time, this can also lead to irreversible damage. Through the generosity of Qatar Fund for Development, children have been able to access the eye care they deserve through school eye screenings, vision centres, community education and improved pediatric services. India has the largest number of blind children in the world and with half of childhood blindness avoidable, lives can be transformed through surgery or a simple pair of glasses.

Orbis was established in 1982 and works across Africa, Asia and Latin America where 90% of the worlds blind population live. Focusing on the development of local ophthalmic teams and the strengthening of eye care services, the charity brings eye care closer to home for those who need it most.